Sunday, November 2, 2008

Key Piece illustrating David Wilcock's edge

This is cribbed directly from his website ... he calls Illuminati - 'Family' in here


I should point out that I've been aware of the 'negative elite' and their plans since the early 1990s, and they were discussed extensively in the Law of One series, a body of philosophical material that I consider as credible. I don't get riled up about the negative elite or feel threatened by them, because for years now I have seen that this is all part of a grander plan for humanity's evolution.

Ultimately, the "negative elite" are there to mirror back our shadow side. Each of us has darkness that we don't want to face, but we lie to ourselves and act like it really doesn't matter. Until we choose to see that it DOES matter, and that we would be well advised to try to improve how we think and behave towards ourselves and others, this problem in the world will continue.

The simple act of waking up, on a mass level, insures that the power base of this group will crumble. This story of the revolt of the top generals is just another example of how the "best laid plans" never work out as they were intended to. Why? Because people are waking up.

They may think they could herd people into prison camps, or micro-chip the entire population. The recent Aaron Russo video on Prison Planet is required viewing if you haven't already seen it, and I've watched the entire one-hour film and can tell you that all the most important data is in the free online version. You can watch it as a video link within the following article, the first two paragraphs of which I have quoted:


"Hollywood director and documentary film maker Aaron Russo has gone in-depth on the astounding admissions of Nick Rockefeller, who personally told him that the elite's ultimate goal was to create a microchipped population and that the war on terror was a hoax, Rockefeller having predicted an "event" that would trigger the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan eleven months before 9/11.

Rockefeller also told Russo that his family's foundation had created and bankrolled the women's liberation movement in order to destroy the family and that population reduction was a fundamental aim of the global elite."

I honestly believe that after all the movies we've seen about human injustice, they simply could never find enough people who would be willing to hold the guns, when push came to shove.

Svali revealed that even within the 'Family' itself, there would be a 'mass exodus' out of the group if people thought they could escape - and live. Most of these people are NOT really into it - they were born in, and they have no choice but to stay in. This may be one of the most substantial points of all. The group itself lacks the internal fidelity to succeed.


There IS a scientific case to be made that if an economic collapse does occur, perhaps by premeditated design, it won't damage most of us, but would actually have more of a cleansing effect than anything else. By "cleansing" I mean that systems that RESTRICT freedom and movement - like the negative elite - crumble and fall away.

If you investigate the science of Chaos Theory, you will come across the theory of Complex Adaptive Systems. This science is very recent and obviously has not permeated the ranks of "Family." When a group of people get together and form an economy as large as the global marketplace, you have a system whose properties remained mysterious to us until recently, with the advent of super-computers that can analyze the behaviors of a huge system.

We now know that the more a system like this is driven towards instability, the more likely it is that it will suddenly re-arrange into a higher level of order. These changes CANNOT be predicted or scripted, but they do occur. Just below you will find quotes from reputable scientists regarding this research, and its impact for all of us.


Here is a simple example: you have a pile of sand forming from a trickle-feed up top. As the pile rises in height, it becomes more and more unstable - it enters into Chaos. When the chaos reaches its peak of instability, scientists now have concluded that you CANNOT predict the speed or direction of movement of ANY particle in the system.

The ENTIRE SYSTEM takes on a bizarre, UNPREDICTABLE behavior where it acts as a WHOLE, not as a sequence of individual grains. There is a sudden shift, and the pile restructures itself. The pile does not collapse into a flat pancake - it just changes shape.

Here is an exceprt from a page within a nicely-worded, relatively easy to understand website about this exciting new science. Of course you have to wade through some scientific geekspeak, so don't focus on every word - just skim it and get the gist of what is being said. The link is to the main page, which you should read first if interested. There are THOUSANDS of resources where you can research this material, but this is a good one to start with:

"A complex adaptive system (CAS) is a complex system that has the ability to not only respond to the outside environment, but one that can adapt itself to become more efficient within its given environment. Basically, this means a system which can learn.

All forms of life are complex adaptive systems. Plants grow towards the light, animals seek out food, and humans work to develop their career to give them a better advantage, and better income than the other people about them.

Complex Adaptive Systems are formed by a number (usually large) of individual autonomous agents interacting intensely together [like human beings forming the global economy].

This creates complex non-linear interactions that allow the emergence of new properties for the system that could not have been predicted beforehand.

The new patterns are often system-wide.

When human beings get together they form cultures and languages. [These are additional examples of complex adaptive systems in action…] "

This body of information, of which the above quote is just a starting point, is the scientific PROOF for why "Family" will never "Bring Down the Internet," or collapse the world's economy. Both of these entities are complex adaptive systems.

Each person has the potential to restructure the economy, and as long as the sun rises and sets, birds fly, rain falls, trees grow, et cetera, we have the resources to continue to persevere. WE are a complex adaptive system, and "Family" does not have anywhere near as much control over that system as they would like to believe.



The Powers that Be earnestly think they can 'fund both sides' of a conflict so that whomever 'wins' is still on their side, but now with the Internet you have guys like Matt Drudge, Perez Hilton and Dylan Avery of "Loose Change" (the 9/11 documentary) who are sole agents, NOT on either side, but gaining massive publicity.

In the case of someone like Perez, we're not really seeing any kind of constructive content - and he's being sued by everyone in the entertainment industry, it seems, in the hopes of shutting down the site completely. However, his site is already more popular than ANY of the corporate television news broadcasts, in the world, in terms of the number of people tuning in. He's now clearing five million unique visitors in a day, on certain days, and was the eleventh most-searched term on Yahoo last week, as you can see in my article from two days ago.

The real point is that the old-school paradigm of the 'Family' simply CANNOT hold true in a complex adaptive system that is filled to the bursting-point with independent, free-acting agents, any one of which could have a cascading, massive, unprecedented effect upon the entire system.

The Revealing is not what they think it will be.

You are experiencing it.

Right now.

Entire page summarizing the Illuminati/Family Holy Grail bloodlines etc.

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