Monday, November 10, 2008

Finding the Center ... the US spelling applies in this case

After the success of the revulsion of neo-con politics, the rest of us really have to settle in to also acknowledge that there were some notable left-liberal excesses that led to the neo-con ascendancy ... and find a way to move to the middle ground, the forgotten center where practicality rules ...

For example, it is patently obvious, really, that individual rights to freedom require limitations on those who have not leaned to respect those rights for others, whether they be crimnals or criminal regimes (or 20 something bodies with 2 year old minds) ... In our relief at the passing of authoritarian methods in homes and schools we have produced a generation of children, many of whom have not experienced the safety provided by strong, clear boundaries for their movements and expressions.

It is thus time for the progressive thinkers to step up and acknowledge those areas where the conservative critcs found liberals' fuzzy logic less than compelling, if not dangerous. Maintaining a polar opposite for the purposes of debate is one thing, and a significant part of the dialectic, that often fails in practice.

What we need at this point is a return to the functional dialectic (which has now become multi-faceted and where the middle ground of a circle is still the center) in order to re-discover the practicality of the middle way.

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