Sunday, October 5, 2008

A Memorable Fancy or a possible experiment?

  • that there is a "time" when changes become "current" (like several inventors bringing forward similar inventions) ...

  • in our time the conventional right/left dichotomy has failed and become toxic, but won't go away ...

  • that the most distortion comes when humans believe that there is a RIGHT way to perceive, believe etc. and that this behaviour does not lie exclusively on either side of the "fence"
  • begin to communicate broadly via comments, forums etc. on the web a different meme
    re-frame in widely read blogs and maybe letters to editors the right/left dichotomy as right(correct) vs rainbow of views/choices

  • allow proclamation of "I'm not sure" as a positive in our times and cast the contrary as relatively dangerous

  • running critique of extreme postions on both sides, so that you resist attempts to label you in one or other camp

  • thus beginning a campaign to reclaim "the middle" which I fear is what has been lost in the wake of the neo-con era

  • possible to broaden the first scattering of the seed by enlisting those who are already of like mind to participate by invitation/persuasion
  • if it is "time" for such a view change, then a little seeding like the above would gather momentum and when you notice
Is something like this truly a possibility or am I deluded once again?

This idea is NOT copyrighted and anyone is welcome to give it a whirl ... the more the merry goes round.

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