Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Warren Buffet bets on the future Big Time

Looks like Rapid Rail Service and all the Green advantages of that might be in the works with a massive vote for Mr. B, buying an entire railway … this is HUGE!



Unknown said...

..this is a sign of down and back, the smart buy's for his own advantage, so, back into the early 19hundred?!//but there is the other side to; as i observed.....buying the railway solo for the metal.....as Chinese doe for awhile ago, ...produces most essential thinks like Nails...for building shelter...

Marilyn Harper said...

Hi David & Rainer - have no comments about the post itself (aaarrggh, it's about money / business!!!) but am awfully curious, don't understand today's quote, Homer's "...the rule of many" - even Wikipedia couldn't provide any clarification...
- Anyone???