Friday, March 6, 2009

Perspective ... who has it and how to get it?

Well in a period where the new Headline has already been coined: The Greatest Depression ... we could do worse than consult someone who understands what happened in the Soviet Union and already uses the acronym FUSA. Dmitry Orlov recently, Feb 13th, a Friday for you cognoscenti, gave a talk linked as follows:

Social Collapse: Best Practices

Thanks to Frank and Billy for the reference to Orlov. Mr. Orlov's blog has more if this works for you. Particularly significan in these parts is this piece on Local Food

On a different but related note, I watched a Lindsey Williams video last night. He predicted $50 oil in July and was laughed out of the room. The intiguing thing about him is his insistence that "The Elite" are bound by their moral code to tell everyone ahead of time what they are going to do and that he gets his material from them, not from some kind of prophecy despite him being a Baptist minister. This stuff is even almost too fringe for me, but in these times, keep all the items on the table.. Rev Williams has a book arguing for the oil game as a manipulation, entitled The Energy Non-Crisis ... he makes fun of the Bushies "God Bless America" suggesting these are code words of the New World Order ... and distinguishes them from his faith and belief. He sees US being pushed into hyperinflation and the $ destroyed within the next 12 months.

For those who think that it is time to pray, listen to George Michael suggesting we begin to pray for time ... first sung in 1996

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