Monday, June 8, 2009

Catching up to Paul Levy

The Alchemy article got my attention big-time … amplified by both of your interests.  I then read We Are All Shamans in Training … and at this moment in the Audio interview he is talking about supersaturated solutions crystallizing and I’m experiencing cascading synchronicities.  Somewhere in the middle, I read the first chapter of the Bush book … you gotta luv the sense of humour … diagnosis Malignant Egophrenia or ME disease aka Mad Emperor syndrome.

Malignant egophrenia is an expression of, and is at the root of, the extreme polarization and dissociation in both the human psyche and the world process at large. The disease is archetypal in nature, which is to say that it has eternally re-created itself and played itself out over the course of history. We can even say that it’s the "bug" in the system that has in-formed and given shape to all of the conflict and disharmony of human relationships. ME disease is as old as the human species. However, we’re now at the point in our evolution where we can finally recognize it, see it, give it a name, and diagnose it.”


Arlee said...

I am reading Levy's Shaman article you referred to......I will chew on it awhile....

Have you read "The Seduction of Madness" by Edward Podvoll

David Burkholder said...

... not as yet ...

Arlee said...

Quotes from Levy.......

...the darkness is a “disturber of the peace” in order to (potentially) create a higher-order integration of the psyche and its contents.

Following our calling with religious devotion, we sacrifice ourselves as we offer ourselves in service to a power greater than ourselves.

Marilyn Harper said...

Great post - Levy really lays out in exquisite detail one of the huge pitfalls in psychiatry, projection of the doc's unresolved issues onto the "patient". Really liked his observation that one needs to learn to "integrate, contain and more skilfully and artfully express" one's awakenings so as to not freak people out.

Also liked, "...embracing our madness is the very act which helps to actualize and make real our basic sanity". With some willingness to look at/be with our own darkness, maybe we can not project so much onto others.

I agree with Robert - lots to chew on here.

Thanks David, well worth waiting for. M.

Marilyn Harper said...

Hi Robert and David. Read Seduction of Madness some years ago (I worked at the NSH for almost 30 years) - don't remember much detail but do remember thinking that the word seduction was most apt - the darkness is very inviting. One might say madness is the ultimate freedom, but as Levy warns, we should be careful about who we say such things to. I often thought that the difference between most "patients" and myself was that they got caught and I didn't, at least not yet...

Arlee said...

Marilyn....I love the following line

I often thought that the difference between most "patients" and myself was that they got caught and I didn't, at least not yet...

Ye......sometimes I can relate to that quite clearly......