How are the Japanese nuclear situation, BP oil spill and Wall street 08 crisis related? The top 1% serves the top 1% and all else is irrelevant to them, says George Washington in Zero Hedge piece with ample quotes by Joseph Stiglitz Nobel laureate. This quote is typical;
The personal and the political are today in perfect alignment. Virtually all U.S. senators, and most...[House] representatives...are members of the top 1 percent....are kept in office by money from the top 1 percent, and know that if they serve the top 1 percent well they will be rewarded by the top 1 percent when they leave office. By and large, the key executive-branch policymakers on trade and economic policy also come from the top 1 percent. When pharmaceutical companies receive a trillion-dollar gift--through legislation prohibiting the government...from bargaining over price--it should not come as cause for wonder....Given the power of the top 1 percent, this is the way you would expect the system to work.
So, from the view of Basic Goodness, how can this be workable?
When, we, the people, (think Egypt) begin to wake up to our responsibility to be more than sheep … once you could have said that that will never happen, but the communication potential of our time if harnessed beyond, “whatever!” could allow for ??? It has been said that Egypt happened due to Facebook.
In 2 years Zero Hedge is a must read in the financially community and is not your father’s Wall Street Journal and Tyler Durden is still unknown.