Monday, November 30, 2009

How Ironic … well that’s a nice way of putting it.

They say Mohamed El-Erian was “having a heart attack” at the way Larry Summers, then Harvard president was handling the large cash element of the University’s finances.  He only lost 1.8B there … and it is less than reassuring that he is now the head of Obama’s Economic team.  I got a small kick out of the the Moslem gentleman’s distress over the mad American’s foolhardy fearlessness.  The cash part is usually what is not used for gambling, except by opportunistic males on their way to infamy either at home or elsewhere.


Saturday, November 28, 2009

It’s ALWAYS a Question of Balance

This rock washed up on the Nova Scotian shore at Arisaig … an overnight appearance, balanced on less than 2 inches of space.


You really have to click on this to see it properly and in full perspective.

amazing, eh?

Friday, November 20, 2009

Primarily for Photos

Are these paragraphs intriguing?

A mathematical representation of an action at a distance effect is called a field, such as a gravitational or electric field. It was Albert Einstein’s foremost hope to find a single relation which would express the effect of both electric and gravitational phenomena; in fact, a theory which would unify the whole of physics, a unified field theory. Einstein believed that this was a creation of total order and that all physical phenomena were evolved from a single source.

This unified field theory, describing matter as pure field, has been
accomplished now. It seems that the entire situation was analogous to the solution of a ponderously complex Chinese puzzle. If you can find that the right key turns among so many wrong ones, the puzzle easily falls apart. Dewey B. Larson found the solution to this problem, and the puzzle not only fell apart, but revealed an elegantly adequate unified field theory rich in practical results; and, like a good Chinese puzzle, the solution was not complex, just unexpected. Instead of assuming five dimensions, Larson assumed six, and properly labelled them as the three dimensions of space and the three dimensions of time. He assumed that there is a three-dimensional coordinate time analogous to our observed three-dimensional space.

The result of this approach is that one can now calculate from the basic postulate of Larson’s theory any physical value within our physical universe, from sub-atomic to stellar. This long-sought-after unified field theory is different because we are accustomed to thinking of time as one-dimensional, as a stream moving in one direction. Yet once you get the hang of it, coordinate time is mathematically a more comfortable concept with which to deal. Professor Frank Meyer of the Department of Physics at
the University of Wisconsin presently distributes a quarterly newsletter to scientists interested in Larson’s new theory which explores perplexing questions in physical theory using Larson’s approach. I was interested in testing Larson’s theory and made extensive calculations using his postulate. I became convinced that his theory is indeed a workable unified field theory.

Here is Larson’s 3 volume, The Structure of the Physical Universe. (pdf can be downloaded, with a right click …), a reference to  Frank Meyer’s website and to the International Society of Unified Science, Inc.

(my apologies for dumping this on you like this …. after my shower this morning the command was, “get this to Photos” … I had many other thoughts about how to do it gradually and politely which might have ended up being, “never” … so it is what it is.)

Let me know if you get it here, otherwise I will put this link on Facebook for you.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Reality Tunnels vs The Science of Peace

Two pieces have come to my attention which I think are suggesting a common view, but which, at least on the surface seem like different approaches.

First, a scientific view, with Reality Tunnels in focus pointing to our tendency to not only believe our own version of Reality, but to produce/project it.


Coming from a more metaphysical direction, David Wilcock is also undermining the cultural dualism which binds us to our “position” rather than opening to the Present.  In his introduction to The Science of Peace there is much to reflect on.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Mayan Prophecy of 2012 update

Jose Arguelles, early student of CTR, promoted the 1987 Harmonic Convergence event(s) and has not stopped working on the revolutionary lunar calendar since.


Here is an update from his site.  This is as close to horse mouth you can get on this topic.  20 Questions answered.


While no one can say with any certainty if this type of occurrence will come to pass, this is definitely a hot topic among scientists who are forecasting that we are nearing the most intense solar maximum in fifty years. This is significant because we are in a whole new technological era than we were fifty years ago. According to the National Center for Atmospheric Research: "The next sunspot cycle will be 30-50% stronger than the last one...

Reality as Opera … Metaphorce be wit u: Rainer

The music plays, turns ominous, bad news arrives, people react … sun comes out another day, a flute plays, we feel better … as information begins to shape our worlds as surely as the weather or the music … Al Gore publishes An Inconvenient Truth which turns out to turn on one piece of data that is misinterpreted in his movie … Counterpoint – a BBC production:  The Great Global Warming Swindle

Which jibes with David Wilcock pointing out that the significant warming effects are coming from cycles that are larger than our solar – planetary system.  Climate change is occurring on the other planets in the solar system.

Could it be that all of these information flows are like the music and libretto of an opera, massaging our awareness to become more open and awake … to see more clearly rather than run hither and thither like Henny Penny.  Perhaps we can relax and not worry excessively today about which part of the sky is reported to be falling and behave decently with our fellows on this spaceship.

Do not get me wrong … climate change is very real, but it is only fair to point out that this being entirely man-made is now, once again, in question.  The following snapshot shows that temperature went down, during the 4 most industrial decades.  I get as nervous about green evangelicals as about the other variety.  This Calvinist thaang is hard to shake.  To a scientist, Al Gore’s key graph below shows CO2 as a lagging “indicator” … i.e when there is warming C02 increases follow.  This makes sense, as gases are released from melting ice.


The green line is the Earth's overall temperature. There is a steady warming trend through the first half of the 20th century, up until the end of World War II -- where everyone could "chill out" and relax. Temperatures immediately started going down, worldwide. Then, global temperatures CONTINUED decreasing, steadily, through the entire "Post-War Economic Boom" -- even while our production of "greenhouse gases" was skyrocketing.

At the exact point that the 'boom' ends, thanks to the sudden gas crisis and widespread economic recession in the early 1970s, global temperatures started INCREASING... and have been going up ever since.

David Wilcock goes on to say that the best scientific warming data suggests that our own state of consciousness is far more potentially "toxic" and damaging to the planet -- the way we think each day, as we move through our apparently private lives -- than any industrial emissions we are creating.

Maybe the youthful injunction to Chill makes sense.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

sometimes we forget … here’s less than 10 minutes to remember

Reggie muses about intimacy … and how it cannot be held on to …  Press arrow to play.

Then he speaks of love, not as Kahil Gibran would, but in a realistic way that touches our hearts at a deeper place than mere poetry ... Click here to watch.  …  use back arrow to return here.

Finally, whispering “the Beauty”, the way Kurtz whispered, “the horror”  …  in awe of the magnificence of the moment we never leave even though our mind strays quite far …

In case you just have to see that bag dancing one more time ….


Poetry trips the thinking mind, we fall awake … immersed in that deeper place.  For those whose thinking mind is tripping anyway, video clips can release the trap door.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Warren Buffet bets on the future Big Time

Looks like Rapid Rail Service and all the Green advantages of that might be in the works with a massive vote for Mr. B, buying an entire railway … this is HUGE!
