.… well most people know “him” as a character in the movie The Fight Club, which is really not about fighting although that might be easy to miss if all you see are surfaces … “Tyler” now appears in other guises by those who realize that an almost perfect foil, perhaps the first since John Galt in Atlas Shrugged has appeared, barfed up by the zeitgeist and run with by among others, a guru to pickup artists and, what this article is about, an amazingly, screamingly fast becoming inevitable Market commentator … read someone else’s take on this.
When the someone, who is no one is able to become someone else and from that amazingly free platform say whatever one wishes … you have Zero Hedge … and, probably just in time. Note the header: "ON A LONG ENOUGH TIMELINE, THE SURVIVAL RATE FOR EVERYONE DROPS TO ZERO" ….
Working backwards to the philosophy of the movie character, here is a summary, useful for, well, everyone. Especially Creatives!
Here is the pure Zero Hedge link, just refresh it in a couple of hours and you’ll see how prolific whomever is. After reading this for several days, it is clear that this source is akin to the massive “AI’s” in Gibson’s Neuromancer. Check out this bitchy little dig at Goldman. Read this guy/gal/collective even if you understand less than 10% of what is being written. You’ll begin to understand the brave new terrrain. We’ll soon be saying post 10-07 or something like that and it will mean a LOT more than post 9-11.