Saturday, November 29, 2008

A New Economy: Some of you have made this point already ... here is some confirmation

From: Jim Kunstler

To be specific about this new economy, we’re going to have to make things again, and raise things out of the earth, locally, and trade these things for money of some kind that we earn through our own productive activities. Don’t make the mistake of thinking this is optional. The only other option is to go through a violent sociopolitical convulsion. We ought to know from prior examples in world history that this is not a desirable experience. So, to avoid that, we really have to put our shoulders to the wheel and get to work on things that matter, and do it at a scale that is consistent with what the world really has to offer right now, especially in terms of available energy.

In my view — and I know this is controversial — a much larger proportion of the U.S. population will have to be employed in growing the food we eat. There are many ways of arranging this, some more fair than others, and I hope the better angels of our nature steer us in the direction of fairness and justice. The prospects of a devalued dollar imply that we very shortly will not be able to get the all the oil-and-gas based “inputs” that have made petro-agriculture possible the past century. The consequences of this are so unthinkable that we have not been thinking about it. And, of course, the further implications of current land-use allocation, and the property ownership issues entailed, suggests formidable difficulties in re-arranging the farming sector. The sooner we face all this, the better.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Paul Krugman, nobel prize winner writes ... on the Dangers of the Lame Duck Economy

The comments here illuminate more than the article and send you back for more Krugman. He is VERY good in past pieces at explaining economics in examples you and I can understand. I'm not sure teenagers would, but ...

Common Dreams repub, hence the more thoughtful comments.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Mind the Gap ... the door is opening

Or ... why there have been few posts of late.

Rainer has returned from MX in his moment, which usually means that a party breaks out wherever he goes. Enough fun with that, there are also late nights, but more importantly, early mornings where the light is shining and illumiinating such facets as the Nez of Art ... a conversation which we know how we started and will do so again for whomever wants to listen in and perhaps kibbitz. This is also in regard to him being involved in the possible establishment of a school of art in Xalapa, created and run by those who eschew the art establishment and the training of artists by academics rather than by practitioners. We are beginning to map where the crucial distinctions/sparks between symmetry and chaos apply.
Introducing Victor Niederhoffer ... this is not supposed to be just irritating for the sake of it.
Many of us Boomers, and I am an early instance by some reckoning, born May 8, 1945 ... assume that the commercial systems are a blight upon the planet and toss that baby as far as we can ... baby is lucky if there is any water along to cushion the landing. Victor, by that calculation, is not one of us. He has been up to his ears in money and making it from the get-go and is still only fascinated by the ramifications surrounding the enterprises. However, he bears the marks of one who has over-extended and been ruined in a number of ways ... in the present context his words ring true with the wisdom of experience and a view that is not stuck in the moaning over lost assumptions. One story is that in 1997 he made a bad trade that cost he and his friends 100 Million in a few hours, leaving him once again in ruin and there were people at the time who, thinking that the poetry of justice was at work, resented the fact that George Soros lent him 10 Million to get back on his feet again. If that makes no sense at all to you, maybe the Boomeritus is too far advanced. At any rate here is his blog which is a running, non-MSM commentary on the $ issues of the day ....

Monday, November 10, 2008

Finding the Center ... the US spelling applies in this case

After the success of the revulsion of neo-con politics, the rest of us really have to settle in to also acknowledge that there were some notable left-liberal excesses that led to the neo-con ascendancy ... and find a way to move to the middle ground, the forgotten center where practicality rules ...

For example, it is patently obvious, really, that individual rights to freedom require limitations on those who have not leaned to respect those rights for others, whether they be crimnals or criminal regimes (or 20 something bodies with 2 year old minds) ... In our relief at the passing of authoritarian methods in homes and schools we have produced a generation of children, many of whom have not experienced the safety provided by strong, clear boundaries for their movements and expressions.

It is thus time for the progressive thinkers to step up and acknowledge those areas where the conservative critcs found liberals' fuzzy logic less than compelling, if not dangerous. Maintaining a polar opposite for the purposes of debate is one thing, and a significant part of the dialectic, that often fails in practice.

What we need at this point is a return to the functional dialectic (which has now become multi-faceted and where the middle ground of a circle is still the center) in order to re-discover the practicality of the middle way.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Taking a Stand ... what we are rapidly learning

The ways of the past assumed that on any issue there was a right or correct position and a wrong position ... politics often began from idealogy and spent a lot of energy criticizing the opponents' idealogy. We grew up in a cold war that was largely idealogical in basis. The ways of the present will come to be defined in contrast to the obsolesent ways of the past.

Today, facing unprecedented challenges and having no time to find out, if it were possible, who was to blame, the way forward is to find a way that works to solve the problems we are facing and to leave as many options open for change as we dare because in uncharted waters there are bound to be more and likely bigger mistakes.

The assumption of basic goodness at the root allows a latitude of possibilities really unprecedented as well and provides a firm middle ground that is experientially "higher" than the historical conflicts if only in that it can see the conflicts more clearly by not being required to take sides as the past roars off into the passed. (sic)

There are opportunities for those of us who have meticulously stayed outside until now to enter into the emerging conversations as supporting balance and equanimity ... the long view and a careful peacemaking between the old warriors stuck in their ancient battles. One can become quite impassioned to articulate this position by sending emails, writing comments on blogs being read and generally trying to bring the conversation up a notch beyond the yelping youthingas.

I call that a Stand worth taking.
Economics in Rap format ... I mean u no sh?t brutha

Harvard Professor finds a way to teach to students who wear their caps sideways.

Now if he could only find a version that US Congress or Parliament could understand.
Election PostPartum ... collecting the detritus and exorcising the space

A group of statistical geeks who made excellent sense out of the 3-4 times more polling done in this years election.

Obama's Victory Speech ... is the rally the troops site for the transition and 2009 Congressional and Presidential Transition is the nuts and bolts "transparency" site

Do What You Got Elected to Do says the new Chief of Staff, R. Emanuel which is different that Our Emanuel, no? For those of you who are wondering about the stance of the new regime, this article should clear a lot of that up. In a word, pragmatic.

The Obama 30m Prime Time infomercial

Ralph Nader ... he of "fire in the belly" points out what is needed to move this on, rather than count on fait accompli ... oops repeat of previous post and link. Well it bears repeating.

And if you want to hear some VERY funny conservative breast-beating that is over half truthful and sets a lot of red and green harbour markers for the future, then P. J. O'Rourke is your guy.

A Harvard Economics professor gives some advice to Mr. O at the beginning.

Of course it will not stop at electing a black president, for the paranoid religious right this must be all too much. A transgendered mayor no less!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Ralph Nader is not Quitting ... and he doesn't want you to either

Interviews with Ralph on PBS where he is agitating for crucial involvement ongoing to goad Congress into making real changes

A voice beyond the politics as spectator sports mentality.

Monday, November 3, 2008

This one brought tears to my eyes ... like this man sees there is something freah on the horizon

A white southern middle aged banker on the street, discovering his heart

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Key Piece illustrating David Wilcock's edge

This is cribbed directly from his website ... he calls Illuminati - 'Family' in here


I should point out that I've been aware of the 'negative elite' and their plans since the early 1990s, and they were discussed extensively in the Law of One series, a body of philosophical material that I consider as credible. I don't get riled up about the negative elite or feel threatened by them, because for years now I have seen that this is all part of a grander plan for humanity's evolution.

Ultimately, the "negative elite" are there to mirror back our shadow side. Each of us has darkness that we don't want to face, but we lie to ourselves and act like it really doesn't matter. Until we choose to see that it DOES matter, and that we would be well advised to try to improve how we think and behave towards ourselves and others, this problem in the world will continue.

The simple act of waking up, on a mass level, insures that the power base of this group will crumble. This story of the revolt of the top generals is just another example of how the "best laid plans" never work out as they were intended to. Why? Because people are waking up.

They may think they could herd people into prison camps, or micro-chip the entire population. The recent Aaron Russo video on Prison Planet is required viewing if you haven't already seen it, and I've watched the entire one-hour film and can tell you that all the most important data is in the free online version. You can watch it as a video link within the following article, the first two paragraphs of which I have quoted:


"Hollywood director and documentary film maker Aaron Russo has gone in-depth on the astounding admissions of Nick Rockefeller, who personally told him that the elite's ultimate goal was to create a microchipped population and that the war on terror was a hoax, Rockefeller having predicted an "event" that would trigger the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan eleven months before 9/11.

Rockefeller also told Russo that his family's foundation had created and bankrolled the women's liberation movement in order to destroy the family and that population reduction was a fundamental aim of the global elite."

I honestly believe that after all the movies we've seen about human injustice, they simply could never find enough people who would be willing to hold the guns, when push came to shove.

Svali revealed that even within the 'Family' itself, there would be a 'mass exodus' out of the group if people thought they could escape - and live. Most of these people are NOT really into it - they were born in, and they have no choice but to stay in. This may be one of the most substantial points of all. The group itself lacks the internal fidelity to succeed.


There IS a scientific case to be made that if an economic collapse does occur, perhaps by premeditated design, it won't damage most of us, but would actually have more of a cleansing effect than anything else. By "cleansing" I mean that systems that RESTRICT freedom and movement - like the negative elite - crumble and fall away.

If you investigate the science of Chaos Theory, you will come across the theory of Complex Adaptive Systems. This science is very recent and obviously has not permeated the ranks of "Family." When a group of people get together and form an economy as large as the global marketplace, you have a system whose properties remained mysterious to us until recently, with the advent of super-computers that can analyze the behaviors of a huge system.

We now know that the more a system like this is driven towards instability, the more likely it is that it will suddenly re-arrange into a higher level of order. These changes CANNOT be predicted or scripted, but they do occur. Just below you will find quotes from reputable scientists regarding this research, and its impact for all of us.


Here is a simple example: you have a pile of sand forming from a trickle-feed up top. As the pile rises in height, it becomes more and more unstable - it enters into Chaos. When the chaos reaches its peak of instability, scientists now have concluded that you CANNOT predict the speed or direction of movement of ANY particle in the system.

The ENTIRE SYSTEM takes on a bizarre, UNPREDICTABLE behavior where it acts as a WHOLE, not as a sequence of individual grains. There is a sudden shift, and the pile restructures itself. The pile does not collapse into a flat pancake - it just changes shape.

Here is an exceprt from a page within a nicely-worded, relatively easy to understand website about this exciting new science. Of course you have to wade through some scientific geekspeak, so don't focus on every word - just skim it and get the gist of what is being said. The link is to the main page, which you should read first if interested. There are THOUSANDS of resources where you can research this material, but this is a good one to start with:

"A complex adaptive system (CAS) is a complex system that has the ability to not only respond to the outside environment, but one that can adapt itself to become more efficient within its given environment. Basically, this means a system which can learn.

All forms of life are complex adaptive systems. Plants grow towards the light, animals seek out food, and humans work to develop their career to give them a better advantage, and better income than the other people about them.

Complex Adaptive Systems are formed by a number (usually large) of individual autonomous agents interacting intensely together [like human beings forming the global economy].

This creates complex non-linear interactions that allow the emergence of new properties for the system that could not have been predicted beforehand.

The new patterns are often system-wide.

When human beings get together they form cultures and languages. [These are additional examples of complex adaptive systems in action…] "

This body of information, of which the above quote is just a starting point, is the scientific PROOF for why "Family" will never "Bring Down the Internet," or collapse the world's economy. Both of these entities are complex adaptive systems.

Each person has the potential to restructure the economy, and as long as the sun rises and sets, birds fly, rain falls, trees grow, et cetera, we have the resources to continue to persevere. WE are a complex adaptive system, and "Family" does not have anywhere near as much control over that system as they would like to believe.



The Powers that Be earnestly think they can 'fund both sides' of a conflict so that whomever 'wins' is still on their side, but now with the Internet you have guys like Matt Drudge, Perez Hilton and Dylan Avery of "Loose Change" (the 9/11 documentary) who are sole agents, NOT on either side, but gaining massive publicity.

In the case of someone like Perez, we're not really seeing any kind of constructive content - and he's being sued by everyone in the entertainment industry, it seems, in the hopes of shutting down the site completely. However, his site is already more popular than ANY of the corporate television news broadcasts, in the world, in terms of the number of people tuning in. He's now clearing five million unique visitors in a day, on certain days, and was the eleventh most-searched term on Yahoo last week, as you can see in my article from two days ago.

The real point is that the old-school paradigm of the 'Family' simply CANNOT hold true in a complex adaptive system that is filled to the bursting-point with independent, free-acting agents, any one of which could have a cascading, massive, unprecedented effect upon the entire system.

The Revealing is not what they think it will be.

You are experiencing it.

Right now.

Entire page summarizing the Illuminati/Family Holy Grail bloodlines etc.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

David Wilcock comes into Focus ... this clarifies and expands 2012 in AMAZING ways

Non of my hoo-hah main page link

The first contact was Joe Brophy telling me about David being a reincarnation of Edgar Cayce and something about Ra material .. then Joe mentioned the other day that Wilcock says the financial crisis is not ultimately destructive but will help us get rid of the criminals running the economy ...

I searched torrent sites and downloaded 2012 Enigma and The Road to Ascension in 4 parts. Just collecting, no focus yet. THEN:

Today I read the following material on Why the UFO event on October 14th did not happen and realized that this person in a very direct simple way is describing his own experience and presenting important information without hype or hyperbole ... especially willing to update and correct previous visionary experiences as new inspiration/data arises ... also an extremely clear view on why others get confused about future events. That update part is critical and how he explains it too. I solves the huge difficulty that prophecy has had in the past. Why events can be correct and timing quite far off. See paragraph below.

Why go into this huge body of material at this time?

It is all too easy to be overwhelmed and to shut-down at the flood of infomration these days ... I look for, and promote, those voices that provide context, View ... that allow for the rest to flow by ... an interesting Wilcock analogy is that the Golden Ration 1.618 used to divide eras is now repeatedly dividing the time span between now and 2012 in ever smaller segments and major events are associated with each transition, so that we will experience more and increasingly more major events as the Date approaches ... that kind of insight can make you dizzy. What he says that is enormously helpful is that the primary task of each individual is to forgive themselves and others so that we can open to whatever future without resistance and fear ... I am inevitably drawn here and will continue to post the highlights as I go.

Up to Date intro video about 90m in length called 2012 Enigma ... if you want to quit before the end go ahead to last 5m

Road to Ascension Part 1 is important because this is the background on David's journey

The Importance of Updates in the field of prophecy ... this is my take, not Mr. Wilcock ...

The Seer, sees ... images, a certain amount of fuzziness, maybe a lot of relatively symbolic stuff and comes out of that visionary state with an interpretation that seems correct at the time ... the collection of beings that comprise the Totality are interacting with present and future states ... it is an adaptive system, evolving in potentially many directions ... as "time" moves forward it (the tuture) changes as the present interactions make choices that either support or change the initial vision ...

Enough to see that it is not surprising that this area has a dubious reputation for accuracy and yet is valuable as part of context in terms of choosing as we go. The stars incline, they do not impel ...

This work incorporates that "soft" approach, a certain humility often lacking in the propheically inclined ... I have noticed in our collective a certain weariness, at times, ... hard to stay positive when we are still worried that this might turn out quite terribly ... and while that is so, it seems important to me that the white knights get over the smudges on their robes and continue heading south ... my role seems to be about encouraging the view that it could turn out quite well ...

Neil Young: "Don't let it bring you down, It's only castles burning, Find someone who's turning and you will come around"

There is so much material here ... and connection to The Law of One which is also Ra material. Summarized in The Law of One Study Guide